Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Re Cap (21st Sept 2008)

Rediscovering the Plot
Ps Samuel Hari


Gen 1:28

Be fruitful and multiply...


You did not choose bear fruit and that your fruit shall remain...

But our life hardly seems like it? Still struggling to pay the bills, health issues, etc. Why?

Could it be that we have lost the plot somewhere along the way? Let's take a look at some examples and see if some of these reflect our own lives...

Case 1

Num 21: 4Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way. 5 And the people spoke against God and against Moses: "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread."

Loathes-despise, disgust, find repugnant.

  1. The children of Israel were eating manna day in and day out and began to despise it. They were bored with it to the point that it became disgusting. They were looking for something new!

  2. We know that manna is a reflection of the word of God in our lives and sometimes, we can come to the point that we can say that we know it all and there's nothing new. We begin to seek out the sensational and even pastors, ministers are pressured into producing “new” revelations. Christians go seeking after “revelations” and “signs and wonders” like looking for the next great fix. The Bible talks about this in the end times...2 Tim 3:5,7; 2 Tim 4:3,4. We've had cycle after cycle of this and what do we get at the end of every cycle? Ministers falling, people disillusioned, etc.

  3. Sometimes, we have lost the plot just like the children of Israel.

  4. The wilderness is like our day to day lives. We face heat all day long from work, school, business, family...if we're not careful, our soul can get discouraged and we begin to despise the word! The last thing we look for when we're in trouble is the manna I.e. when we/our children fall sick what is the first thing we do? Look for doctor or do we get together and pray? Even if someone comes and tells us to pray or read the word when we are going through a tough time, we kind of nod but are disgusted on the inside...

  5. Nothing takes the place of a personal or simple bible study of 2-3 people blocks...manna! Low immune system...

  6. Manna is so basic! We want more! In our physical body we need the basic building blocks; we may not get in in our daily diet so we have food supplements that have what our body needs daily. If our body lacks the basic nutrients, our immune system will weaken or breakdown. Then we are prone to infections, disease, critical illnesses. Same thing on the spiritual basic building blocks...

To be continued....

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