Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday Re Cap (14th Sept 2008)

The Final Judgment Matt 25:31-46

This chapter begins with the importance of preparedness (prayer/Holy Spirit) to the importance of using our talents (training, discovery) & ends with action!

How can we summarize what is being said here by Jesus?

These are real events that will come to pass & it's important that we as believers are aware of what Scripture says:

  1. Sheep & goat often grazed together at the same field but at the time of shearing they would be separated. Ez 34:17-24

  2. There will come a time where God will separate the true followers & the pretenders & unbelievers. Explain:

    1. how do we know which category we fall in?

    2. The real intention of this scripture is not to condemn us but to alert us now & regularly where we stand.

  3. Inward righteousness will & must produce outward obedience (fruit of the spirit) Phil 2:13; The fruit of the spirit is produced. The fruit is the character/nature of God, the gifts are the personality of God. One thing to confess “We are the righteousness of God, a new creation”, etc. Luke 4:18-19

  4. The real evidence of what we believe is the way we act. How?

    1. Treat every person we meet as if they were Jesus. Receive GRACE show MERCY? Parable of the unforgiving servant. Mt 18:23-25. The only way is to walk in the spirit.

    2. How was Ananias able to go and pray for Paul? In the natural he struggled!

  1. What we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus.
  2. 1Jn 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
  3. Feed hungry, house the homeless, look after the sick. How well do our actions differentiate us from pretenders & unbelievers?
  4. These are acts of mercy we can all do. Does not depend on wealth, ability, intelligence, simple acts freely given & freely received.
  5. We don't have to quit our jobs, wait for retirement, go to Bible school before God can use us.
  6. We have no excuse to neglect those in deep need.
  7. Cannot handover to church, government, Jesus demands our personal involvement. Is 58:7
  8. V 40: Who are brothers & sisters? Who is my neighbor? Luk 10:27-29
Love for those in need (love & serve) glorifies God by reflecting our love for Him & our conviction of the finished atoning work of Christ on the cross.

v46: When Jesus' warns us against unbelief, He is trying to save us fr agonizing punishment.

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