Friday, July 31, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (26th July 2009)

Do you know that ABBA knows your name?

Exo 33:12-14

  • We were saved for good works; good works cannot save us! Eph 2:8,9
  • Do not go back AGAIN to the yoke of slavery, bondage but meditate on your sonship! Rom 8:15, Gal 5:1
  • We need to cultivate a sense of "God knowing us by name!" We are not a face in the crowd. He knows us personally. Eph 1:4-5


When we cultivate a sense of ABBA knowing us by name:

  1. We have DIVINE FAVOUR (unmerited, unearned and undeserved) in His sight. Exo 33:12
    1. God will bring the right people at the right time because we have His favour!
    2. The only favour we are to seek is the favour of God and that we have when we KNOW that God knows us by name!
  2. We will have DIVINE GUIDANCE. Exo 33:13
    1. It is our Father's prerogative, His initiative to show us His ways.
    2. It's the Father's initiative to teach and not the child's to learn! He will keep teaching us until we get it because we are His children! This is what the word chasten means in Heb 12:6
    3. He will give us "his ways". Divine strategy. Joh 15:16
  3. We will know Him. DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. Exo 33:13
    1. Moses realises that as He rests on Divine Favour and submits to God's ways (Divine Guidance), He also learns of God (v13) (Divine Knowledge). Moses agenda of working, performing is to "that I may know you".
    2. Many times, we have been told, "you got to know God more! MORE!" or "The reason you are not blessed is because you have not spent time knowing God and knowing His ways!" How much do we need to know God before we receive our INHERITANCE?
    3. Through the process of continuously cultivating a sense that "God knows me by name"; we will know Him.
  4. DIVINE PRESENCE: His presence will go with us.Exo 33:14.
    1. We can be ASSURED of HIS PRESENCE when we know that HE KNOWS US BY NAME!
  5. He will give us DIVINE REST. Exo 33:14
    1. Many Christians are living in ignorance and cannot rest. Prov 29:18; Luk 10:20.

We need to have a revelation that HE KNOWS OUR NAME! GO AHEAD SAY IT; "HE KNOWS MY NAME" (3 Times).

Mat 11:28-30-Coming to Jesus is coming to His finished work of the cross. It's only there can we find rest.

© Pastor Samuel Hari, GROW BM.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (19th July 2009)

by David Lai

  • Job 1:12 Power was given to Satan by words. Satan has no power of himself. We can hear ourselves when we talk and know if we have given the power to the adversary.
  • Satan does not know what we think except when we talk.
  • Do we really believe what we say? Is there a voice of defeat?
  • There are irritations around the world which will try to derail us back to Egypt. Like Jacob and his family during the time of famine. The economic situation, political climate around the world are irritations that may try to derail us.
  • However we need to understand that God will simply reposition us to engage with the marketplace, (our Egypt, place of irritation) to position ourselves for a greater stage!

1Sam 17:32- David said-let no one's heart fail. It is important not to allow our hearts to fail and to keep strong through our words! We are also not to be intimidated by the words of the Goliaths' around us. Our victory depends on staying strong with God's Word.

Job 1:4-5; Job 3:25-Job reinforced what he feared thorough his words. Therefore it manifested. Many times, we reinforce our fears instead of our faith through our words. Death and Life are in the power of our tongues (Pro 18:21)

1 Sam 17:33-37-memory of past defeats, failures-how do we break them?

  • David recalled his past victories through God and used it to strengthen himself through his words to Saul. He did not allow Saul's words of discouragement to affect him but instead recounted God's faithfulness boldly even though Saul was far more experienced and powerful positionally than him.
  • Through Imaginations-God took Abraham to see the stars.Gen 15:5. New imagination. A new mindset that is stronger than the past. Jeremiah made excuses based on his personal experience-God showed him a new imagination-almond tree. Jer 1:6-19

The Word of God is powerful. It has substance. Even our words describing something sour in our mouth can cause us to squirm. The Lemonade illustration. How much more the word of God!

1 Kgs 17:9-12 The widow was probably angry and offended with Elijah for being the cause of the draught hence her harsh words and selfishness which was substantiated. How many times do we justify our wrong words because of our circumstances?

However, Elijah's words brought a new imagination which changed the widow's circumstances. V14-15.

Heb 11.13-16-the children of Israel had the opportunity to return. Where? Firstly, in the mindset and then the natural manifestation!

Let's get STRONGER through God's Words! Satan has been driven out of the presence of God and can no longer accuse us.(Col 2:14-15). In his place is our King of kings, Jesus Christ, who is the High Priest of our confession.(Heb 3:1). God watches over His word to perform it (Jer 1:12) As we speak words that are according to Jesus' finished work on the cross, Jesus also confesses them and the Father brings about the manifestation. Speak words of healing, provision, protection, NOW! Begin to imagine BIG!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (12th July 2009)

Where is Your Security?

By Dr. T. Moses

Text: Matt 14:22-31

They were sailing upon the Sea of Galilee, just the 12 of them. Jesus told them to SAIL to the other side and He was going to the mountain to be alone and pray.
His disciples were being completely obedient to what Jesus had commanded them to do. Sometimes people think that IF they ARE doing what Jesus told them to do, then there will be no storms for them to sail through; everything will be mountain experiences. But such thinking is not always true and real.

- Knowing Christ and making Him known is what we are called to do.


v.25 "Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea."
God is always walking towards His people who are struggling and wrestling with their needs.
That means He is there every day of our lives, regardless of what storms we sail against; Jesus never wants us to be fearful, but to place all our confidence, hope and assurance in Him.

- Jesus Christ will come on time; He will meet each one of us where we want to meet Him. God is interested in each one of us individually.

Jesus walked on the water toward them and the disciples thought He was a spirit, a ghost. Peter cried out, "Lord, if it is You, bid me to come unto you."

- And in the very midst of the storm, the winds blowing and the waves rocking; Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. He had his eyes on Jesus.

- Jesus will knock on the door, but never force the door open. In Jesus Christ each one of us will be spotted anyway, anytime and everywhere.

4) DO NOT DOUBT (Matt 14:30-31)

30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"
31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

- Peter fell because he doubted. How much do we doubt Jesus who is our personal Saviour?

John 14:1
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.


-Where is your security? Is it in Jesus Christ?

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (5th July 2009)

When Abba knows you by Name!

Exo 33:12-14 Then Moses said to the LORD, "See, You say to me, 'Bring up this people!' But You Yourself have not let me know whom You will send with me. Moreover, You have said, 'I have known you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.' (13) "Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people." (14) And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."


  1. Moses is anxious to know "who", "how to", etc. Many times we are given an assignment at work or school and wonder who is going to help us and how are we going to finish the task. We may have challenges at home or work and need God's favour and guidance daily to overcome.
  2. The Lord seems to connect knowing Moses by name to finding favour in His sight.
  3. We need to cultivate a sense of "ABBA knowing us by name!" We are not a face in the crowd. He knows us personally. Eph 1:4-5


When we cultivate a sense of ABBA knowing us by name:

  1. We have divine
    favour (unmerited, unearned and undeserved). Exo 33:12-13
    1. We don't need to worry "who" will help us anymore! Who's going to help me in my assignment? My problem at work? With my children?
    2. Many times we try to seek to be known by men and then we are let down when they are no longer in power or a place of influence.
    3. The only favour we are to seek is the favour of ABBA and that we have when we KNOW that ABBA knows us by name!
    4. ABBA will bring the right people at the right time because we have His favour!
    5. It is not a matter of how much we know Him because our knowledge of Him is limited and fluctuating. His love for us is consistent whatever the circumstances. It is our sense of ABBA knowing us that brings us favour!
  2. We will divine guidance. Exo 33:13
    1. We don't need to be worried about "how?"
      1. We only reveal our detail plans to those we know intimately. When we know that ABBA knows us, He will reveal His most detail plans for our lives and we don't need to get fearful or anxious! Joh 15:16
      2. BETTER COVENANT, BETTER PROMISES! Heb 8:6. He was talking about the law (our ways, strife, stress) versus His ways (rest, secure, inheritance).
      3. STOP getting stressed out and striving. Remember this is the biggest cause of sickness and disease.

What is the key to ABBA's FAVOUR and GUIDANCE for every situation? REST and KNOW that ABBA knows you by NAME!

© Samuel Hari, GROW BM

Friday, July 03, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (28th June 2009)

Receiving All Things (Pt 1)

  1. Invoking The New Covenant

Heb 8:10-12: 4 Clauses Of The New Covenant.

The frequency that invokes the first 3 clauses the New Covenant:

"For YOU will be merciful to my unrighteousness, and my sins and my iniquities YOU will remember no more."

  1. Invoking Full Rights as Sons

Gal 3:29: And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise.

Heir-klēronomos (klay-ron-om'-os): one who receives his allotted possessions by right of sonship

How do we receive our full allotted possessions? We receive our allotted possessions because we have the right to be sons! Not in the future; NOW!

Gal 4:4-5 But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, (5) so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Sons-uihos (hwee-os') : the placing as a son, that is, adoption (figuratively Christian sonship in respect to God): - adoption (of children, of sons) Or A mature full grown son.

Gal 4:6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

Heir-one who receives his allotted possessions by right of sonship.

We invoke our sonship by crying ABBA Father. Cultivate the sense of intimacy and sonship.

Some examples of Invoking the Frequency of SONSHIP:

  • Gen 33:9-11 Jacob and Esau-Sons have everything!
  • Rom 8:15 Spirit of sonship casts out the spirit of bondage again to fear.
  • Matt 4 Jesus refused to perform for the devil and maintained His position as a BELOVED son
  • John17:11 (sense of protection), 26 (sense of His love)
  • Num 13:25-55-Not just filled but FLOWING with Milk and Honey for SONS!
  • Num 14:22-24 Possession is a matter of spirit.
  • Lk 15:24-Hwee-os'-mature full grown son
  • Lk 15:31-Teknon-older brother-child
  • 2 Kgs 2:12 Elijah and Elisha-invoking the Double Portion of the Anointing by crying "My Father, My Father!"

Continued next week….

© Ps Samuel Hari, GROW BM