Friday, July 31, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (26th July 2009)

Do you know that ABBA knows your name?

Exo 33:12-14

  • We were saved for good works; good works cannot save us! Eph 2:8,9
  • Do not go back AGAIN to the yoke of slavery, bondage but meditate on your sonship! Rom 8:15, Gal 5:1
  • We need to cultivate a sense of "God knowing us by name!" We are not a face in the crowd. He knows us personally. Eph 1:4-5


When we cultivate a sense of ABBA knowing us by name:

  1. We have DIVINE FAVOUR (unmerited, unearned and undeserved) in His sight. Exo 33:12
    1. God will bring the right people at the right time because we have His favour!
    2. The only favour we are to seek is the favour of God and that we have when we KNOW that God knows us by name!
  2. We will have DIVINE GUIDANCE. Exo 33:13
    1. It is our Father's prerogative, His initiative to show us His ways.
    2. It's the Father's initiative to teach and not the child's to learn! He will keep teaching us until we get it because we are His children! This is what the word chasten means in Heb 12:6
    3. He will give us "his ways". Divine strategy. Joh 15:16
  3. We will know Him. DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. Exo 33:13
    1. Moses realises that as He rests on Divine Favour and submits to God's ways (Divine Guidance), He also learns of God (v13) (Divine Knowledge). Moses agenda of working, performing is to "that I may know you".
    2. Many times, we have been told, "you got to know God more! MORE!" or "The reason you are not blessed is because you have not spent time knowing God and knowing His ways!" How much do we need to know God before we receive our INHERITANCE?
    3. Through the process of continuously cultivating a sense that "God knows me by name"; we will know Him.
  4. DIVINE PRESENCE: His presence will go with us.Exo 33:14.
    1. We can be ASSURED of HIS PRESENCE when we know that HE KNOWS US BY NAME!
  5. He will give us DIVINE REST. Exo 33:14
    1. Many Christians are living in ignorance and cannot rest. Prov 29:18; Luk 10:20.

We need to have a revelation that HE KNOWS OUR NAME! GO AHEAD SAY IT; "HE KNOWS MY NAME" (3 Times).

Mat 11:28-30-Coming to Jesus is coming to His finished work of the cross. It's only there can we find rest.

© Pastor Samuel Hari, GROW BM.

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