Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sunday Re Cap (3rd Feb 2008)


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At the core of every relationship is the dynamic tension that can lead to growth and maturity. Elements of take control and surrender. Dying to self centered desires and surrendering to God’s will, take charge of God’s call on your life, courageously overcoming the challenges and fulfilling our destiny.

2 Tim 2:20-21

There are 2 processes at work.

The Surrender Posture
Shedding-ego, fears, control. Submission to God. God in first place. Honor, respect and deference (reverence) to God.
Prepares us to communicate with God. (Keep meditating on who we are right now…don’t hear the old voices any more, reject it!).
A Posture of Peace. A place of trust, assurance and confidence that God is with us. It isn’t an event but a daily process.

The Take Charge Posture
Personal responsibility (Peter release from prison Acts 12:7-8)
God has given us a free will and the ability to make choices. (Adam and Eve).
A posture of power, courage, personal initiative, leadership, integrity, accountability, discipline, perseverance, action and follow through It is in this posture that our partnership with God manifests in our lives and at work.
When God asked Nehemiah to build the wall, he did not ask God to build it for him but asked God for strength to build it. Same thing with Solomon. All through the Bible we find such examples.

The Surrender Posture actually prompts the Take Charge Posture.

Our New Beginnings in whatever area is determined by both our posture of surrender and taking charge. The KEY is to understand when to surrender and when to take charge. Our tendency is normally to try to control things we have to surrender and surrender things that we have to take charge.

Serenity Prayer
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Oswald Chambers

“Our Lord never takes measures to make me do what He wants. Sometimes I wish God would master and control me to make me do what He wants, but He will not. And at other times I wish He would leave me alone, and He does not.”

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