Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sunday Re-Cap (5th NOV, 2006)

by Ps Samuel Hari

Jn 17:20-21 Jesus defines UNITY. Does the UNITY in our fellowship line up with this desire? Why UNITY? It brings both individual and corporate blessings. Acts 2 and Ps 133.

The desire of our heavenly Father is that we be one in Him.

Acts 2:38-42: The model of UNITY in the early church.

They were in fellowship with one another (v42). What is fellowship? Is it only sharing food as we sometimes know it?

Fellowship found in this verse is koinonia (Gk). It is a compound word that means the following:

I. Sharing

  1. In every aspect. Gospel, testimonies, etc. In a deeper sense it a sharing of lives; letting go of the comfort zones. No cliques. Like a close knit family.
  2. It involves a breaking of paradigms.
  3. What do we have that we can share with one another? Every one of us has a gift.
  4. Start by practicing sharing in church and then we can expand it to sharing with the world around us.
  5. It awakens us to the needs of the world around us.
  6. One statistics say that 20% if the church does 80% of the work. We can break out of this by the power of the Holy Spirit.

II. Close Asssociation

  1. When the Holy Spirit filled the early church they became less and less associated with the world and more and more closer to each other sometimes even without realising it.
  2. There is a risk of becoming closer to one another. We can get get offended, hurt, discouraged. However the key to getting closer is our relationship with God. With the Holy Spirit in the combination, we can overcome and grow stronger and closer.
  3. The closer we get to God, the closer we get to one another. Don't attempt to do it in our own strength. Ask the Holy Spirit for grace.
  4. Step out in faith in getting closer to one another.

III. Partnership

  1. Complementing one another's giftings. Don't covet one another's gifts.
  2. Recognize one another's giftings in God and that they are unique for the building of the body of Christ.
  3. Appreciate one another's giftings.
  4. Encourage gifts. This will help us to avoid the path of cynism and move us to a lifestyle of encouraging one another.
  5. Avoid flattery.

As we meditate on Koinonia type of fellowship, we understand better the flavor of Holy Spirit empowered UNITY in the early church. Let us stir up one another to love and to serve God with a cheerful heart.

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