Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sunday Re-Cap (29th OCT, 2006)

The Quality of Unity
by Pastor Samuel Hari

Text: John 17:20-21

Before the church can be effective in reaching out and touching the community physically, emotionally or spiritually, the church must have a certain level of unity. What level is that?

We can worship and believe that our worship impacts our community but without UNITY, the effect is limited; although not entirely ineffective.

The church in Acts 2:1 was together in one place in one accord. There was a Quality of Unity that was present in the early church. What was the benchmark? Jesus said in Jn 17:21 that we may be one in the LORD as Jesus and the Father are one.

This is the quality of unity that is being sought out by the Father.

  1. Where are we individually and as a church in reference to this benchmark?
  2. Can we say that we are one in Him as Jesus and the Father?
  3. What prevents us from arriving at this goal of the Father?

    There are three things that prevent us from arriving at this unity:

  1. Js 5:16 Unforgiveness.
  2. Js 4:1-10 Pride that leads to strife.
  3. 1 Jn 4:7-8 No revelation of God’s LOVE. Murmuring, Complaining, Grumbling, seeing evil in everything. In one word, the FLESH. Solution: A crucified life.

In the book of Acts, the Father was so impressed by the Quality of Unity that he poured out the Holy Spirit without measure upon the early church.

The blessing upon the church was both individually and corporately and we can expect the same today. Not only were they blessed individually by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the whole community around them were also blessed by an outpouring. Does our community need an outpouring today? Do we need an outpouring today? Then the answer lies in the Quality of Unity that we have. Love IS the KEY to EVERYTHING we do for JESUS is the SOURCE of it all!

Let’s believe God for that same QUALITY of UNITY and expect a mighty outpouring upon us individually, as a church and as a community.

The only unanswered prayer of Jesus is the UNITY of the believers. The answer is our response.

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