Friday, April 07, 2006

Sunday Re-cap (26th March 2006)

What Do You Want?
by Ps David Lai

Text: Mark 10:51

In this text we see that Bartimeus displayed several characteristics that we as believers need to have:

  1. Expect great things from God and attempt great things for GOD i.e. a passion for SOULS. Expect nothing and lose nothing.

  2. A great HUNGER. He knew that in spite of his circumstances, God is still God. Do we?

  3. Able to draw from Jesus. Like an eagle Is 40.31.

  4. Like Jacob who moved forward in spite of his fears over Esau, we need to keep MOVING FORWARD.

  5. Elisha had a PERSISTENCE to follow Elijah and to get his mantle.

  6. CLOSE OUR EARS to negative talk in us and around us (sons of the prophets in Elisha’s case and crowd who asked Bartimeus to keep silent).

  7. We need to REAMAIN FOCUSSED. Double minded person cannot receive. Matt 6.24, Js 1.8.

A REVELATION of GOD’S WORD will give us DIVINE WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE to reach our DESTINY! 3 Jn 2

NT involves EQUAL SACRIFICE i.e. when we get a REVELATION that God want to HEAL us, we need to play our part in EATING HEALTHY & EXERCISING, etc. We cannot abuse our bodies.
When we get a REVELATION that God wants to PROSPER us, we will receive divine wisdom and knowledge to reach our DESTINY i.e. work hard, persevere, etc.

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