Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sunday Re-cap (16th April 2006)

How To Miss A Miracle
By Rev George Butron

Eph 4:7-12
Jesus descended and then ascended; He went behind enemy lines to rescue us. However, the disciples were not ready and almost missed their miracle (Luke 24:11).

How can we miss our miracle?

  1. Do not believe the testimony of another believer (Lk 24:11).

  2. Let our own emotions overrule the Word of God. Focus on our own situation rather than on Him (Road to Emmaus; Lk 24:13-35).

  3. Try to explain things from human understanding and experience (Jn 20:25-28).

  4. Fail to truly believe, remember, and embrace the Word of God. Even the Pharisees believed more than the disciples. We fail to believe when we’re under pressure (Matt 27:62-66).

  5. Decide beforehand how a miracle is going to happen and when it doesn’t, get disappointed, discouraged, angry, etc (Naaman: 2 Kgs 5:9-12).

  6. Placing our confidence in the wrong things.

  7. Allowing fear, failure, mistakes, and disappointments to isolate, condemn, imprison us and lock us in. The disciples were locked in. In hiding. (John 20;19)

Be aware of these things and get your miracle today!

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