Friday, February 03, 2006

Sunday Re-cap (29th Jan 2006)

Keeping Up Appearances
By Ps Samuel Hari

Scripture: Matt 23:26

  1. The way Jesus looks at things is completely opposite to the way the world sees things.

  2. For the world outside appearances matter i.e. position, behavior, appearance, etc.

  3. Even when we are saved we sometimes fall into the pattern of the world. Everyone is guilty; it’s only a matter of to what extent. Why? Peer pressure? Fear of man? Pleasing man?

  4. When we keep the inside clean, the Lord will look after the outside i.e. our reputation, destiny, appearances, etc. In reality, we are trying to do God’s work when we look after the outside. (Matt 6:6; Lk 6:45; Pro 4:23; Pro 29:23; Js 4:6).

  5. When we put ourselves so high, it’s difficult to maintain and the fall is a long way down! This also puts unnecessary pressure on others around us!

  1. We need to resist the temptation to perform that we exert on ourselves and eventually on people around us.

  2. When we keep up appearances, we play into the devil’s plan which is self-exalting and not Christ-exalting.

  3. If our focus is the LORD then our yoke is easy and our burden is light; this means we don’t put unnecessary burdens on those around us like the Pharisees.

  4. We need to get a revelation that the LORD will look after the outside when we look after the inside.

  5. More time needs to be dedicated to looking after the inside of the cup i.e. relationships, love, fear of GOD, pleasing the LORD. (Acts 5:29, 41-42). How’s the inside of our house looking?

Dear LORD please help me keep clean the inside of my house. I’m sometimes so worried about how things look on the outside that I neglect the inside; especially the dark hidden closets. Help me to be focused and so full of this that whatever temptation there is to conform, I will resist it. You said in Js 4:6 that you would give me grace. Give it to me now LORD. I need it. I need You.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

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