Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Carry The Light

Romans 1:14-16

Every Christian has an inescapable missionary obligation. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus called us the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14) As its base purpose, light illuminates. We are to illuminate Christ to the rest of the world.
The apostle Paul said he was indebted to share the Gospel. He was indebted to Christ, not because Christ demanded a repaid debt but because Paul overflowed with gratitude and love for Christ's free gift of eternal life. Paul also indicated that we are indebted to the Christian forerunners who laid the groundwork for the Gospel to reach our ears.
But what does it mean that each of us has an inescapable missionary obligation? It means that God expects every believer to help spread the good news of His saving grace. It does not necessarily mean you are to trade your home for a bamboo hut in a jungle halfway around the world, although it could.
There are many ways for believers to participate in missions. You can give of your time, talent, and treasure. Perhaps you can volunteer for a two-week mission trip; or maybe you can consistently pray for a particular missionary effort or missionary friend; and most everyone can sacrificially give to missions. Sometimes the greatest mission work is done without ever leaving your home.

Taken from In Touch Ministries

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