Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Abraham Lincoln

Don’t let failure make you fearful of trying again. Turn your trials into triumphs; your stumbling blocks into stepping stones; your tests into testimonies.
Any time you are tempted to become discouraged by setbacks in life, remember the following ‘highlights’ of Abraham Lincoln’s career:

1831 - Failed in business
1832 – Defeated for legislature
1833 - Again failed in business
1835 - Sweetheart died
1836 - Suffered nervous breakdown
1838 - Defeated for Speaker
1840 - Defeated for Elector
1843 - Defeated for Congress
1848 - Again defeated for Congress
1855 - Defeated for senate
1856 - Defeated for Vice – President
1858 - Again defeated for Senate
1860 - Elected President of the United States

Even if you have been on losing streak lately, don't lose heart. Discouragement comes when we realize that it is beyond our ability to handle things.
In times of failures and inadequacy a key is to look at our Creator and our all sufficient one. People who refuse to do this sometimes are deceived into thinking that they are helpless and rush to commit suicide.
Jesus says " Call unto me in your days of trouble and I will help you".

Extracted from www.isaacjoe.org

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