Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sunday Re Cap (19th August 2012)

Mark & Linda Drake
The Mystery of Christ Living in and Through us

1 John 1:19

Confidence or Condemnation before God?

Do we read our Bible correctly?

The single greatest problem that many Christians make; pulling sentences out of context from the Bible and building a belief around it. We would never do that with any other literature or reading. If we read the text above out of context we will be condemned. If we keep reading the next verse, we understand what the Apostle John was really saying.

The Commandment is simple: put your faith and trust in the Name of Jesus Christ. The result would be Christ Himself would live inside us and would lead us from the inside out. We would then no longer need a list of do's and don'ts; because the Lawgiver Himself, Jesus Christ, would be living and leading us from the inside out. This is a crucial truth as it would either lead us into condemnation or confidence before God.

Paul said that the Old Covenant was a ministry of condemnation which was a list of rules that never gave us the power to obey it.

One of the questions we are going to look at is; is God ever going to be angry or unhappy with us if we live under the New Covenant? Is it ever possible for God to be disappointed with us?

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:1. There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus....this is an absolute statement and not just a possibility. Then why is CONDEMNATION the most common experience of most believers worldwide? There is only one possibility; that we do NOT believe what the early believers believed in. We need to be fully aware of "The Mystery of Christ Living in and Through us" to have CONFIDENCE before God!

Come for The Seminar on the 23-25th Aug at Rivers of Water Bkt Mertajam to fully discover "The Mystery of Christ Living in and Through Us" starting at 8pm.

Click here to listen to this message.

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