Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday Re Cap (15th July 2012)

Jesus Name Made This Man Strong

Acts 3:1-16

There are three things in this text that we want to look at the next 2 weeks:

1. The content of the word;
2. The content of the wonder;
3. The relationship between the wonder and the word of God preached.

1. The Content of the Word
Between v12-16 comes the first part of his sermon that is so much like the Pentecost sermon. What Peter does is exalt Jesus in five different ways and show how his listeners have been totally opposed to him and heaped disrespect on his value.

Learn these five exaltations of Jesus and make them part of your praise vocabulary. Jesus is:

1. The long-awaited servant of the Lord. (v13)
2. Glorified by God (v13)
3. The Holy and Righteous One (v14)
4. The Author of Life (v15)
5. Raised by God from the dead (v15)

The other half of the sermon, as at Pentecost, is to show the listeners how utterly far they are from the truth and how dishonoring they have been to the worth of Jesus.

The first two are mentioned in verse 13: delivered up [that's the first one] and denied in the presence of Pilate when he had decided to release him [that's the second one]. The third charge comes in verse 14: "But you denied the Holy and Righteous One; This shows how suicidal it is to reject Jesus. Finally, verse 15 says, "And you killed the Author of life." He gave you life and you killed him. Asking for takers of life to be released on the world instead of the giver of life. Rejecting Jesus is utterly anti-life. It is murderous and suicidal.

However, Peter has awesomely good news for these suicidal kinsmen of his in verse 19: "Repent therefore, and turn again that your sins may be blotted out and times of refreshing might come from the presence of the Lord."

Let us begin to exalt the Name of Jesus. If we do not do that, we will begin to gradually reject Him, His power and authority. Let the essence of our preaching, conversations be exalting the Name of Jesus. When we do that, Jesus is glorified, his power begins to flow in and through us and we will be Christ focused and not self focused. Miracles are about to flow! The lame raised, deaf hear and pre-believers will turn to the Lord. Are we ready to be the new wineskin for the Lord to pour out His Spirit?

Next Week….The Content of the Wonder!

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