Friday, September 23, 2011

Sunday Re Cap (18th Sept 2011)

Abraham-Not of this world

Gen 12:1-9

As we look at the life of Abraham, we are going to see his heart and his attitude towards God.

1. Abraham chose to Obey God. The first thing we notice is that Abraham had a choice and he chose to obey this call.

• Matt 10:37-39

2. Abraham had a promise Gen12:2-3. Five times bless...God will do it. Not within us. Every good gift from Abraham..Imagine Abraham sharing with Sarah about living in tents... will have children...promise to make them a great nation.

3. Abraham would be a blessing. “You will be a blessing”. How? The blessing... to make your name great.

• Abraham I will take away your name and give you a far better name… Jesus

• God takes away our identity to give us a far better identity.

4. Bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you….

• Melchizedek & Abimelech blessed Abraham and they were blessed, Hagar cut off because she despised her mistress Sarah, the Canaanites who persecuted and troubled the Jews are gone. Greeks who overran Palestine and desecrated the Temple were overrun by the Roman Empire; …..God blesses those who bless Israel.

• Ps 122:6:9 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

• Through Abraham, all families of the earth blessed. Nations, people groups…are blessed with JESUS! What a promise!

5. Abraham was not PERFECT. We do not need to be perfect to be heroes…it is not because of our gifting, talents, attributes, it is simply God’s call…we are the called. Now, we need to make the choice to obey the call wholeheartedly.

6. Abraham Preached. Peopled acquired-slaves or souls? Although Abraham was still in his journey, not seen any fulfillment of God’s promise, Abraham preached! V6.

7. Abraham Worshipped.

• His heart of worship even though not seen the promise. More to this life.

• Bethel (House of God) before me, Ai (the dump/world) behind me…where I am, I will continue to worship…Abraham established an altar…

Like Abraham, we are not of this world. What does the life of a pilgrim look like?

A life faith demands that we are not of this world, this is not my home, a pilgrim, declare the praises. A sojourner, a pilgrim.

Col 3:1-4; Rom6; Matt 6 19; 1jn 2:15-17 The pursuit of things creates emptiness.

We are pilgrims not drifters...we have a goal-to be with the tents, preach, worship! Build tents but don’t expect to take it with us.

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