Thursday, July 07, 2011

Sunday Re Cap (3rd July 2011)

The Insignificant Significant
Text: 2 Kgs 5:1-27
Today’s message shows how God can use the insignificant to do significant things for His purposes.
1.      The Israelite Slave Girl  (2Kgs 5:1-3)
The Hebrew term suggests a girl below 12 years of age. The contrasting situation of the helpless young slave girl and the famous battle hardened general is difficult to ignore.

We learn some very powerful lessons through this unknown slave girl.

        i.            She Kept Her Focus On God.
She could have easily been discouraged and bitter but she chose to maintain her focus on God. If we focus on ourselves then our response will be our own strength, our failure, weakness. We will end up having a victim mentality. If we focus on God and His power working through our lives, then whatever happens, we have a victorious mentality.

       ii.            She Chose To Do The Right Thing.
She had every reason for resentment towards her captors or even God for her circumstances but we see her doing the exact opposite.

    iii.            She Became A Powerful Influence For God.
What happens when we keep our focus on God?
It was not by chance that she was placed in the home of a powerful official. She was put in a place where she could be an influence where no one else could. She responded well.  Read 2 Kgs 5:3-6
In today’s context, this account is a great encouragement to Christians. Although we may sometimes be in an unpleasant situation, God is able to use us in our situation to point others to Christ. 

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