Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday Re Cap (25th April 2010)

The Ministry of the Spirit Is Far More Glorious

Anything that is from God is Holy and Good. Rom 7:12

The Ten Commandments were given to show God's high moral standard for living. However, men were and are incapable of keeping the high moral standards of God. Are the Ten Commandments important? YES! Should we memorize them? BY ALL MEANS! WHY? Because they reveal God's HIGH MORAL STANDARS WHICH IN TURN REVEAL HIS NATURE. Heb 8:11. Are we able to keep them? We can't! Rom 3:23 

If they are God's moral standards, then how are we going to keep them? The Father points us to the ONE who has fulfilled every single one of them. He says, "Walk with my Son". How? The Holy Spirit will teach you. The whole basis of the 4 clauses of the New Covenant is, "as we walk with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will put the laws in our minds and write them on our hearts". We will experience the miraculous in God's perfect timing and in God's wonderful way and no one needs to teach us continually to obey the moral code of God! The Holy Spirit takes over that role of teaching us the High moral standards of God which reveals His nature.

We may ask ourselves; surely we can have a "balance" of the LAW and GRACE?

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

Luke 5:36-39. V39 (SPLB note)-Jesus sadly describes people who are satisfied with the old system of the LAW and the tradition of the elders and are reluctant to accept the gospel.

There is no place for a mixture of the LAW and grace. Why? Because Grace has fulfilled every LAW through Christ! The NC covenant does not set aside God's moral LAWS but allows the Holy Spirit to write them on our hearts as we walk with Jesus.

Why settle for rules when we can have relationship! Rules are for "servants" and "slaves". Jesus said we were no longer servants but friends in John 15:15. Friends and Family are in relationship.

How can we enter into a place of ever increasing glory? How do we give room to the ministry of the spirit? 2 Cor 3:3-18

  1. By walking in the spirit. Take time to pray in the spirit every day. This gives time for the Holy Spirit to write on the tablets of our hearts.
  2. Decide not to live in condemnation. Live believing that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
  3. Most importantly, cultivate a daily loving relationship with Jesus every day. Remember His finished work.

Samuel Hari

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