Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunday Re Cap (14th Feb 2010)

Have The Faith of God Pt 2

Mar 11:20-24

Last week we saw how Jesus cursed the fig tree before he went into the temple and the fig tree was dried up from its roots the next day. We saw how Jesus was

  1. Symbolically cursing the religious system of the day which was based on the law and of external religious acts. Jesus then replaced that system which something much better which is something based on our relationship with God rather than our performance (full of leaves but NO FRUIT).
  2. Replacing our dependence on anything else other than Himself. The Fig tree symbolizes the peace and security of Israel. Many of us depend on religion, health, finances, and relationships for our FAITH. When things are going right our faith is strong but when things are not, then our faith is weakened. Everything that is not of God will be shaken.
  3. Did not want us to depend on the facts for our faith but it's the truth which is unchanging that keeps our faith strong. Circumstances will always change but Jesus is unchanging. Everything will change but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Not like the FIG Tree which had no fruit because it was not in season).

Jesus replaced all of that by saying "HAVE THE FAITH OF GOD".

How do we have the FAITH OF GOD? What do we need to do? And the answer came back NOTHING! It's all been done, 2 thousand years ago. His Faith is available. There is no performance on our part that is needed to have MORE FAITH like they were doing in the temple. Jesus coming offered us something far better!

His Faith is available to us because as He is so are we in this world. 1 Jn 4:13-19. His Faith is available because if anyone is in Christ, He is a NEW Creation; old things have passed away and all things are new. The KEY here is RECEIVING. There is no problem as far as heaven is concerned. The only thing we need to do as a NEW CREATION is BELIEVE AND RECEIVE. How?

Samuel Hari © GROW BM

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