Thursday, September 03, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (30th Aug 2009)

Do Not Worry

Text: Mat 6:25-34

In this portion of scripture, Jesus himself gives us a very important principle to receiving ALL things.

If you notice, there is a recurring word or phrase that is used in the above portion of scripture. "DO NOT WORRY!"

When we worry, we cannot receive the unmerited favour of God. We are relying on our own strength and abilities.

What are the areas we are NOT TO WORRY so that we can receive GREAT FAVOUR? Picture it this way to see it better. There is a GOLDEN pipeline from heaven flowing into our lives with "ALL THINGS ADDED". However, every time we worry, we are squeezing that line and the blessings cannot flow.

The 1st area: Our LIFE! This speaks about our health. We need to REST on the truth that God desires GOOD HEALTH for us. The key to receiving healing is DO NOT WORRY! Good health is part and parcel of God's covenant with us through the finished work of Jesus on the cross!

"Griefs" and "Sorrows" in Is 53:4 are interpreted as "Infirmities and "Diseases" in Matt 8:17.

Rom 10:9 that ifG1437 you confessG3670 with your mouthG4750 JesusG2424
as LordG2962, and believeG4100 in your heartG2588 that GodG2316 raisedG1453 Him from the deadG3498, you will be savedG4982;

sōzō G4982: to save, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole.

"So why am I not getting well?" Don't give up! Keep believing. We are not meditating and resting enough on God's promises; human nature!

2nd area: Jesus not only tells us not to worry about our life but the QUALITY of our life. "LIFE more than FOOD and BODY more than clothing". He not only wants to bless you but the blessing comes from the inside out!

3rd Area: area Jesus speaks about is WORK!

IF we want to have creativity, be productive in any job, it's important first of all not be stressed out. Stress confuses, clouds the mind. Stress kills, brings diseases. Jesus already knows that no one can perform to their full potential under stress. When we get rid of the stress and worry, then we perform even better!

4th Area: Do not worry about "tomorrow". Give us this day our daily bread. Our future in is in God's hands. Instead dwell on the promise that God's plans are good plans to give us a future and a hope. No matter how difficult today may seem, He will cause ALL THINGS to work together for good for those who love God. What is our part to simply love God!


Ps Samuel Hari © GROW BM

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