Friday, April 24, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (19th April 2009)

Citizens of the Kingdom (Part 1)


Read Matt 6:19-34

Are we citizens of the Kingdom of God? Citizens have benefits. What are the benefits of that Kingdom? Why aren't we living and receiving those benefits? How do we live under a constant flow of those benefits instead of receiving it here and there and in pockets?

  1. We are lovingly instructed by our LORD to seek 2 things to help keep us in perspective.
    1. Seek God's Kingdom.
    2. Seek His Righteousness.
  2. This ensures that we will remain in the continuous flow of all the benefits of the Kingdom.
  3. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God the day we receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
    1. We are told to seek first the KOG. What is the Kingdom of God? It is where God is King.
    2. When we follow the "laws" of the Kingdom, we receive the benefits. Rom 8:1-2.
    3. What are benefits of being citizens of the Kingdom? Ps 23. Ps 103.
    4. The Kingdom of God is GOD!
    5. How do we get information and revelation of the Kingdom? Reading the word, prayer, church attendance, listening to Christian music, testimonies, messages, fellowship with Christian believers, etc.
  4. So if we are only going to seek the KOG, how are we going make a living? We can earn by either serving God or mammon. Serving mammon is having the love of money. (1 Tim 6:9-11; 2 Tim 3 :1-3).
    1. When we have the love of money, we have many other "things" following us; sicknesses, depression, disease, FEAR.
    2. When we seek FIRST the kingdom of God, we have "kingdom" benefits following us; love, joy, health, provision, protection, etc.
    3. A third category of people. Those who have been blessed by seeking God BUT now have NO time for God. Ask God for wisdom. Not everything may be of God. Don't forget God. Prov 30:7. When it takes your time with God that means there are things we need to let go off. Ex: cannot come to church (to "seek first").

Continued next week….

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