Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (15th Feb 2009)

Turning the Ordinary into the Extraordinary

"The Starbucks Experience", an amazing book written by Joseph Michelli, full of strategies, comments and principles taken from the Bible. If these principles have caused a secular company to be one of the most successful companies in the world, how much more THE CHURCH if it begins to rediscover these principles and begins to apply them TODAY!

5 Principles for Turning the Ordinary into the Extraordinary. (1 Cor 15:46)

The Biblical principles found in this book include BEING rather than DOING. Starbucks wants to BE the place where everyone wants to come because of the coffee.

  1. Make it your own.
    1. God has no grandchildren.
    2. Each of us needs to be responsible to develop our personal relationship with the LORD.
  2. Everything Matters.
    1. Everything we do affects our Christian walk and often the people around us.
    2. How we act or RE-act. (2 Pet 3:9)
    3. We are all important to God.
  3. Cause Surprise and Delight.
    1. Mat 5:16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
    2. Phil 4:5 Rejoice, let your gentleness be known to all men.
  4. Embrace Resistance.
    1. Most people resist resistance, they don't embrace it.
    2. Don't be threatened by resistance, embrace it.
    3. Work at fulfilling God's plan for your life (Jer 29:11)
    4. Write on your walls, "It doesn't matter!" (Rom 12:18,21)
  5. Leave Your Mark.
    1. Desire to leave a mark for the LORD (Phil 3:13-14)

So, it's not about the coffee but all about the LORD and how we can all serve Him profitably!

William Carey-"Expect Great Things FROM God, Attempt Great Things FOR God"

Remember Acts 17:6-our goal is to turn the world upside down.

Rev. Don Boots

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