Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday Re Cap (9th Nov 2008)

BABES WHO REST by Ps.Samuel Hari


In the midst of the current global situation, financial, political, working life, family, ministry there is a message found in the core of the Bible that promises not only to relieve stress and but actually causes us to function more effectively. This is not only to be done once/day or once/week but is to become a lifestyle of every believer. One of the key elements of experiencing NEW BEGINNINGS is REST!

Matt 11:25-30


  1. Who are they hidden from? Who are they revealed to? Who do you want to be?

  2. The wise and the prudent. Why is it hidden? Because they strive with their own strength. What are things hidden and why does it seem good to the Father? 1 Corinthians 1:18-29

  3. We all need to labor-school, work, family, ministry, etc. Gen 3:17-19. It may be (1) sin; (2) excessive demands of religious leaders; (3) oppression and persecution; (4) weariness in search of God.


  1. How? Come to Him. Release every other yoke. It is a step of faith like Peter walking on water. Mt 14:24-29.

  2. The Lord desires that we find this easy & light. Imagine doing this & enjoying it rather than be heavy laden with our expectations or of others. This is the yoke that is heavy & makes us weary, heavy laden.

  3. We are already pleasing to Him based on the atoning work of Christ. We don't need to carry anyone else's' yoke of expectations, approval, etc. The rest that Jesus promises is love, healing, and peace with God; not the end of all labor. A relationship with God changes meaningless worrisome toil to spiritual productivity and purpose.

  4. Take on a the easy new well fitting (easy: (greek) chrestos: pleasant, good, comfortable; built on a personal relationship with God by the indwelling Holy Spirit) yoke. His yoke. Grace. His righteousness. His approval, acceptance. Remind rehearse, confess daily.

  5. Just like new shoes-it takes time to break into it. But once we are used to it, we actually look forward to wearing it! Walking in it, going the distance. Work, ministry, family, school, friendship , relationship, etc.


This scriptures suggest that Jesus is the lead oxen. He will lead and we follow. The moment, we try to take over, we become weary and burn out quickly.

  • these things are revealed to BABES WHO REST!

  • BABES ARE READY to experience new beginnings because they are new creations.

  • when we have rest in our souls (mind, will emotions), we PROSPER and remain in HEALTH! 3 Jn 2.

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