Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday Re Cap (13th July 2008)

The Five Stages Of Evangelism-A Biblical Model

John 4:7-28

  • Jesus began where the woman was and got her attention-v7-9 “Give me a drink”; “How is it that you ask me? We have nothing to do with each other”.
  • We can engage right where we are-work place, school, etc. Sharing family matters, school work, business challenges, health, exercise, hobbies, pets, travel; i..e. David Lai
  • However this is only a very superficial stage of ACQUAINTANCE.
  • After getting her attention, He kept her interest. John 4:10-12
  • This is the realm of relationships. It's more than an acquaintance. Sharing of lives, interests take place. Very relational. Can sometimes be confrontational because of existing mindsets. “Are you greater than our Father Jacob?” It's part and parcel of relationship building; don't give up.


  • He caused her to desire what He had. John 4:13-15
  • This woman was now really interested. She was responding.
  • This is when our lives begin to impact and influence others to a point where they want what we have. Notice it comes through INTERESTS which is kept going through relationship. “Can I have what you have?” “Sir, give me this water...”
  • John 4:16-18
  • This is where we begin to apply the gifts of the spirit. We cannot convict anyone; only the Holy Spirit can as we walk in obedience.
  • These next two points are the realm of the SUPERNATURAL; MANIFESTATIONS; REVELATIONS.
  • Need to wait for the timing of the Holy Spirit. Without a DESIRE, CONVICTION cannot come.
  • Even though we cannot bring conviction; we can pray for conviction and /or circumstances that will bring it about.
  • John 4:26
    "I who speak to you am He."
  • She is brought to the point of decision. She can either accept or reject Him.
  • So strong was her commitment that not only did she accept but she went on and told others about Him. V28-30.
  • If we find our COMMITMENT wavering, we need to go back to the point where we were convicted (FIRST LOVE).
We can learn from this:
  • Jesus took her from where she was to where He wanted her to be.
  • We can use these five simple steps in witnessing.

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