Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Respect for Life

Author: Woodrow Kroll
Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder.

Respect for Life
Every 22 seconds someone in the United States is
beaten, stabbed, shot, robbed, raped or killed.
The average American citizen has a 1 in 153
chance of being murdered. Intentional
killings-murders and suicides-rank fourth among
causes of U.S. deaths, after heart disease,
cancer and accidents. Obviously, such a low
regard for human life is appalling and reflects
how far America has strayed from the principles
of the Ten Commandments.
But Jesus broadened the "You shall not murder"
commandment even more. He said, "You have heard
that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not
murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of
the judgment.' But I say to you that whoever is
angry with his brother without a cause shall be
in danger of the judgment" (Matt. 5:21-22).
While Christians are unlikely to murder someone
physically, they can easily be murderers in their
heart. Perhaps you can identify with Clarence
Darrow, the famous criminal lawyer, who said,
"Everyone is a potential murderer. I have not
killed anyone, but I frequently get satisfaction
out of obituary notices."
When we have hatred in our hearts toward someone
or we nurse an angry attitude toward a person who
has offended us, we qualify under Jesus'
guidelines as murderers. That may be shocking,
but it's true. If you fall into this category,
ask God to forgive you and to replace your anger
and bitterness with an unconditional love for the
one you previously hated. Go to that person and
seek reconciliation. Ask for forgiveness because
of your inappropriate attitudes. Reach out to her
and try to make your one-time enemy your friend.
It's the only way to remove murderous attitudes
from your heart. Since your attitudes are just as
important as your actions, don't dismiss too
quickly what the Lord Jesus said. Take an
attitude check today and see if there is murder
in your heart, even if it is not in your head.

An attitude can murder just as easily as an ax.

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