Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sunday Re-cap (19th March 2006)

The Most Unnatural Act-Forgiveness Pt 1
by Ps Sam Hari

Mark 12:30-31
The word “love” in both verses is the same i.e. agape.
The quality of love that must be shown to one another is the same as the quality of love we show to God i.e. if we say we really love God, then we must really love one another.
V31-“And the second is like, namely this,”-means similar, the same

Without GRACE, we cannot forgive offenses, without GRACE, we cannot have good relationships.
The opposite of GRACE is UNGRACE (inability to show GRACE i.e. Offense, resentment, unforgiveness).

The law of nature admits no forgiveness. At the center of the Lord's prayer lurks the unnatural act of forgiveness. Here lies the key to forgiveness. “Forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us”. The next statement is equally terrifying! “If you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins.”

As we allow ourselves to let go, break the cycle, start over, God will allow himself to let go, break the cycle and start over.
It's a command. It even takes precedence over formalities like worship and prayers (Matt 5:23-24; 1 Pet 3:7; Mark 11:25-26)

We should only release forgiveness if the person concerned deserves it.
But the very meaning of forgive is to GIVE just as pardon contains donum, or gift.
(Mat 5:44-45)

We only forgive those who show the same willingness. What does the WORD say? Parable of the LOST son. God so love the world HE GAVE (what? Forgiveness through His SON).

Why should I forgive? I was wronged.
Many times when we say “I forgive you”, our heart remained angry and resentful. We still want to hear that we were right after all; still want to hear apologies and excuses; still want the satisfaction of receiving some praise in return-praise for being so forgiving!
God's forgiveness is unconditional.

Rom 12:17-21

Forgiveness is an act of FAITH. When we say we forgive, we are really saying that God is a better justice maker that I am.

Forgiveness involves a crucifying of the flesh. Without a crucifying of the flesh, there will be no signs and wonders and miracles (Mark 11:22-26). Without a crucifying of the flesh, we will not have the likeness of the son. (Gal 2:20).

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