Monday, November 28, 2005

Sunday Re-cap (27th Nov 2005)

Undertanding the Times and Seasons of God
by Ps Sam Hari
(adapted from the Apostolic and Prophetic Conference Nov 2005)

1 Chr 12:32(NLT)

If we desire to serve God and be effective in 2006:

  1. We need to have a spirit like the sons of Isaachar.

  2. Even though they were smallest group among David’s army, they were singled out as leaders who had an understanding of the times and seasons of God and knowing what to do.

  3. When we do this, there is a special grace and favor that follows.

  4. We do not become a hindrance to the move of God.

  5. The depth, height, length and breath of the ministry (service) that we have depend on the depth that we have in God. Our intimacy with God.
Eph 4:11-16 (NLT) In the NT, the sons of Issachar are like the five fold ministry. These will know the times and the seasons of God and know what to do to build a mature and healthy church. Are we able to function as a five fold ministry church?

How do we become sons of Isaachar? Deut 33:18-19

  1. Summon the people to the mountain to offer sacrifices-strong and inspiring prayer life.

  2. They benefit from the riches of the sea; hidden treasures of the sand-fishers of men and able to see the potential of people.
Gen 29:31-35, Gen 30:1-18
Therefore the birth of the sons of Isaachar is the end of spiritual barrenness and strife and the beginning of refreshing and revival. Is 35

In Conclusion,Gen 49:14-15

What’s so special about donkeys?
  1. Burden bearers, servants, focused, sure footed for rough terrain.

  2. Sons of Isaachar-intercessors, focused, sure footed!

  3. Prophetic, saw a vision of the rest that was to come. Heb 4: Children of Israel did not enter promise land, no rest, because of unbelief.

  4. Donkeys had the grace to carry the presence of Jesus.

  5. Num 22-God used a donkey to speak to the prophet; a prophetic judge and a voice.
The Sons of Isaachar are the ones who are going to be a powerful and effective testimony in bringing many to the saving knowledge of Christ. They are like the dew of Hermon that bring life and refreshing into the barrenness (sickness, lack, etc) of people around them.

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