Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (24th May 2009)

Citizens of the Kingdom VI

Matt 6:33

Jesus said seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and ALL things be added unto you.

It is through a revelation of Jesus Righteousness that we unlock the blessings of the Kingdom. To unlock something, we need the keys. What are the keys and what do they unlock?

What does it unlock? What is added?

  1. Right believing produces right living and right behaviour Heb 8:10-12.
  2. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. Rom 1:16. Soteria: It also means deliver, health(Strong); deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation (Thayer). WHOLENESS!
  3. Matt 16:19 The key to powerful prayers.

So what are the keys? There are 4 keys:

  1. The key is intimacy with God.
    1. This is accomplished through Worship, Holy Communion.
    2. Phil 3:6-9: Intimacy with God produces TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS as opposed to RIGHTEOUSNESS BY THE LAW (SUPPOSED RIGHTEOUSNESS, IN THE SIGHT OF MAN-basically the religions of the world).
      1. Why wasn't Paul satisfied with Righteousness by the law? It did not produce intimacy. Legalism made him look good in the eyes of the world and the eyes of man but it made him a wretch on the inside.
      2. God was supposedly hard and difficult to please. Nothing you do is quite enough. Even with all his achievements!
      3. There was a deep longing in his heart to draw closer. How? Righteousness by faith which is right standing with God through the perfect and complete work of Jesus on the CROSS! Jesus became HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Continued next week….

© Pastor Samuel Hari (GROW BM)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday Re Cap (17th May 2009)

Citizens of the Kingdom V

Matt 6:33

Jesus said seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and ALL things be added unto you.


We need to be absolutely righteous to have ALL things added to us.

In the Old Covenant God left the people to seek their own righteousness through the LAW. "THOU SHALL, THOU SHALL NOT, THOU SHALL, AND THOU SHALL NOT!" I.e. performance, strife, hard work, and basically ALL religions of the world practice this principle. DO GOOD GET GOOD, DO BAD GET BEAT! RIGHT BEHAVIOUR PRODUCES BLESSINGS. Rom 2:5-11

The CROSS changed everything.

In the New Covenant, God said seek His kingdom and HIS righteousness.

2 Cor 5:17-21 New Creation Realities, We are given the gift of righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Rom 5:17: Says that when we receive the gift of Righteousness and the abundance of God's unmerited grace we shall reign in life!

God invites us to intimacy, He says HE WILL, HE WILL, He WILL! Heb 8:10-12

Righteousness is no longer obtained right doing but right standing. When we stand in the right place "HE will" do it!

It is through a revelation of Jesus Righteousness that we unlock the blessings of the Kingdom. To unlock something, we need the keys. What are the keys and what do they unlock?

What does it produce?

  1. Right believing produces right living and right behaviour Heb 8:10-12
  2. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. Rom 1:16-What is salvation? It is more than saving us from our sins.
    1. Soteria: It also means deliver, health(Strong); deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation (Thayer). WHOLENESS!
    2. For everyone who believes! The condition is simply, believe! Do you believe that the gospel is salvation to everyone who believes? "I believe, therefore I have health, salvation, healing, protection, safety!
  3. Matt 16:19 The key to powerful prayers.

So what are the keys? There are 3 keys:

  1. The key is intimacy with God. This is accomplished through worship, Holy Communion.

Continued next week….

© Pastor Samuel Hari (GROW BM)