He shall be like a tree planted by the RIVERS OF WATER, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper...Ps 1:3
Friday, September 28, 2007
Pray for Emmanuel
Emmanuel is the son of Bro Elijah who is serving God in the Gideons ministry.
For more information your can email or skype or call us!
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The LORD bless you!
Sunday Re Cap (23rd Sept 2007)
Enjoying God; He Enjoys Us!
By Michael Lee
Psa 149:4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
Pleasure (Strong’s)-râtsâh
A primitive root; to be pleased with; specifically to satisfy a debt: - (be) accept (-able), accomplish, set affection, approve, consent with, delight (self), enjoy, (be, have a) favor (-able), like, observe, pardon, (be, have, take) please (-ure), reconcile self.
Oxford Dictionary
Joy, delight, enjoyment, to get pleasure from,
As the LORD takes pleasure in us, we must take pleasure in God. He beautifies us with salvation of not just our souls but in every area that needs His salvation i.e. home, business, ministry, finances.
Isa 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation,
When we greatly rejoice in the LORD, we WILL be clothed with the garments of salvation. We cannot hide it nor can we make it up. The garments come upon us!
When we enjoy God:
- We have God’s favor. Ps 91, Ps 100
- We have God’s providence. Abraham enjoyed God enough to give up Isaac and saw the providence of God in providing the sacrifice and in every area of his life. Gen 22:2-14.
- We have God’s Restoration. Joe 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, God’s restoration of mindsets, a new identity 2 Cor 5:17
- Our focus will change. 2 Cor 9:7; Mt 6:22; Ps 16:11
- Restoration of Relationships. When our relationship with God is restored, our relationships with others is restored
So let us truly begin to enjoy God as He takes pleasure in us!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Special Meeting

Sunday Re Cap (16th Sept 2007)
by Ps Chris K.
My Dream
Revelation 7:9 (NKJV
Has Revelation 7:9 become your dream?
My Desire
John 14:12 (NKJV)
- He who believes in Jesus.
- He will do the works that Jesus did.
- He will do great works because Holy Spirit living inside of believers.
- Greater in quantity.
What works did Jesus do?
Matthew 9:35-37 (NKJV)
Leaders go where they want their followers to go. We cannot have our people go to a place where we have not gone. Leaders set the example.
- Cities and Villages
- Teaching and Preaching
- Healing and Driving out demons
- Healing every sickness and every disease among the people
- Compassion for people
- Seeing the people as “Harvest”.
· Harvest is important. People are important.
· Harvest is urgent. There is an urgency to bring the people into the Kingdom of God.
Jesus gave the same authority and power to the 12 disciples to do the same ministry Jesus did.
Luke 9:1-2 (NKJV); Matthew 10:1 (NKJV)
Jesus gave the same authority and power to the 70 disciples to do the same ministry Jesus did and the 12 did.
Luke 10:1 (NKJV) Luke 10:9 (NKJV) Luke 10:17 (NKJV)
Jesus gave the same authority and power to all disciples, all time, every where to do the same ministry Jesus, the 12 did and the 70 did.
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)
- Do we teach the word or experience?
- Do we teach it with words alone or words and action?
- Do we teach everything or something only?
- Make Disciples [Before that you be a disciple first]
- Teaching them to do everything.
What is the connection between My Dream and My Desire? These nations need to be healed and delivered from demonic oppression. It is we who have been given authority and power and are to go out and do it.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Sunday Re Cap (2nd Sept 2007)
by Ps Samuel Hari
God has designed an internal feedback system that we can know moment-by moment if our belief system is aligned to God’s truth; this feedback system is known as our emotions or feelings. These emotional signposts are signals that we may be cherishing a faulty goal based on a wrong belief.
- Anger signals a blocked goal.
- Anxiety signals an uncertain goal.
- Depression signals an impossible goal.
Sometimes depression resulting from impossible goals is related to the wrong concept of God. (Ps 13:1,2). David had a wrong concept of God, feeling that he had been abandoned to the enemy. This wrong concept led him to an impossible goal; overcoming his enemy by his own strength and no wonder, he was depressed! But David did not stay there. He began to focus on what he knew about God v5. The he made a positive expression of his will v6. He willfully moved away from his wrong concept and its accompanying depression and returned to the source of his hope. Also see Ps 43:5
It’s not hard to see why people try to control others. They believe that their self worth is dependent on other people or circumstances. The most insecure people are manipulators and controllers of others. When they cannot control, they become bitter, angry, or resentful.
The only requirement for your success is your response as we say with Mary, “Be it done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).
The secret to achieving God’s goals is learning to distinguish between godly desires from a godly goal. This is critical as it can distinguish between success and failure and inner peace or inner pain.
A GODLY GOAL: a result reflecting God’s purpose that does not depend on people or circumstances. The only one who can block it is you. If we adopt an attitude of cooperation with God, our goals can be reached and we can succeed.
A GODLY DESIRE: a specific result that depends on people or circumstances that you cannot control. You can’t base your self worth and success on it, no matter how godly they are. They can be blocked, uncertain or impossible.
Anger, anxiety and depression comes is and is an indication that a godly desire has been elevated to a godly goal. If a desire is not met, all you face are disappointments and life is full of disappointments! Dealing with disappointments of unmet desires is much easier that dealing with anger, anxiety or depression.
When we align ourselves with God’s goals and our desires as God’s desires, we will rid our lives of anger, anxiety and depression
Problems aren’t a deterrent to our goals. If anything, it ought to strengthen our resolve to press on towards God’s goals! Family problems a great opportunities for us to shine for Christ and be what God wants us to be.